The following Terms and Conditions of Use govern the contract established between SunOnline LLC, headquartered at 30 N Gould St Ste R, Sheridan WY 82801, USA, email contact@nathyrealty.com (hereinafter referred to as SunOnline), the User of the website (hereinafter referred to as the USER), and the Advertiser of the website (hereinafter referred to as the ADVERTISER).


For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Advertiser: Any individual or legal entity that promotes a real estate property via the NATHY REALTY platform.

Real Estate Property: Anything that is fixed and permanently attached to the land or buildings and constructions.

Payment Gateway: Service provided by an e-commerce service provider that authorizes payments for online businesses, online retail sales, businesses with both a physical and online presence, or traditional businesses. For this contract, payments will be made through the payment gateway https://stripe.com.

Privacy Policy: The NATHY REALTY platform’s policy governing the handling and processing of the USER’s and ADVERTISER’s personal data, available on the Website.

Contact Information Service: Digital mailbox enabling requests for more information or direct contact from the Advertiser. Information submitted via this mailbox will not be retained by the NATHY REALTY platform but may be retained and used by the Advertiser.

Website: A set of digital content and HTML pages available via the URL: Missing official link, accessible by the ADVERTISER or any USER via their browser, whether from a desktop computer or a mobile device.

NATHY REALTY: Technological platform available via the URL: Missing official link, intended for the promotion of professional real estate services for sale in a specific geographic area, available in a web version accessible through browsers.

User: Any individual accessing the NATHY REALTY platform, along with its content and information.


1.1 SunOnline is a company dedicated to the development of the online technological platform, NATHY REALTY, which connects Users and Advertisers of professional services as well as real estate properties for sale.

1.2 The User and the Advertiser declare that they understand and voluntarily accept, without limitation or restriction, the following Terms and Conditions of Use and Contract, as well as other policies and principles incorporated herein, before browsing and accessing the NATHY REALTY platform.

1.3 SunOnline provides the Advertiser and the User with the rules, regulations, and conditions governing the operation and use of the NATHY REALTY platform, allowing the Advertiser to promote their services or the sale or rental of real estate properties, and allowing the User to access information about advertised properties and services. Any person not accepting these mandatory and binding Terms and Conditions of Use must refrain from using the NATHY REALTY platform.

1.4 The User and the Advertiser agree that clicking on the ACCEPTANCE box before proceeding with registration or submitting information or personal data will be considered an electronic signature or electronic consent (click-wrap agreement), indicating their agreement to what is stipulated in this contract regarding the use of the Nathy Realty platform.

1.5 The User does not need to register to access information about the real estate properties advertised on the Nathy Realty platform, as well as the Advertisers’ contact information.

1.6 To use the Nathy Realty platform, the User and the Advertiser declare that they are of legal age. The Advertiser must provide their personal data in the registration form on the Website. By registering and using the Nathy Realty platform, the ADVERTISER agrees to comply with these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE and the following documents which are an integral part of these Terms and Conditions of Use:

Code of Conduct and Rules of the Nathy Realty Platform (www.nathyrealty.com).

Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (www.nathyrealty.com).


2.1 Nathy Realty is a web platform available via the URL (www.nathyrealty.com) including the following features for the ADVERTISER, indicative and discretionary by SunOnline:

Publication and Promotion of professional services and sale of real estate properties.

Publication of descriptions, additional information, images, and videos of the real estate properties.

Contact mailbox to receive requests for information or contact from the User.

2.2 The ADVERTISER can only have one account with Nathy Realty.

2.3 Soldvendido is a platform available via a website (www.nathyrealty.com) including the following features for the USER, indicative and discretionary by SunOnline:

Access to information about professional services and real estate properties for sale advertised by third parties on Nathy Realty as Advertisers.

Access to descriptions, additional information, images, and videos of the offered services or real estate properties.

Contact mailbox to request additional information or contact from the Advertiser.

2.4 The User and the Advertiser understand and agree that the features indicated in clauses 2.1 and 2.3 may be extended and/or restricted by SunOnline at any time and at its sole discretion, according to its policies and technological and commercial development plans, which will be communicated to the User via the Website.

2.5 The Nathy Realty platform can be used in all regions authorized by SunOnline. In all cases, the applicable law to this contract will be that of the Republic of Panama.


3.1 To access the opening of an Account on the NATHY REALTY platform, the ADVERTISER must provide at least the following personal information: name, email, among other information.

3.2 The ADVERTISER cannot assign or transfer their NATHY REALTY account to a third party.

3.3 The ADVERTISER’s NATHY REALTY Account contract is indefinite, but they can close their Account at any time by sending a request to the email address contact@nathyrealty.com.

3.4 SunOnline may terminate the ADVERTISER’s NATHY REALTY Account contract and cancel their access at any time for objective and reasonable reasons, or in the following cases:

In case of reasonable suspicion of fraudulent or unauthorized use of the NATHY REALTY Account.

If by deceit or negligence the ADVERTISER has compromised the security of the NATHY REALTY platform.

In case of unauthorized or unplanned use of the NATHY REALTY platform as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.

In case of non-compliance by the Advertiser with the obligations established in this contract.

When the ADVERTISER provides false information to SunOnline or regarding a real estate property advertised on the NATHY REALTY platform.

In case of non-compliance with the NATHY REALTY Code of Conduct.


4.1 SunOnline is committed to implementing the best practices in information security, ensuring the User and the Advertiser that the Nathy Realty platform keeps information confidential, integral, and available. Additionally, it implements secure authentication methods on its servers to ensure greater security for the Advertiser and the User.

4.2 Gazelook.com has a security certificate on its server that allows encrypting information between the User’s browser and the Nathy Realty platform server, using a TLS certificate signed by a SHA-256 algorithm. However, the Client understands the numerous cyber risks associated with online transactions and agrees to manage their access credentials with the utmost diligence, taking responsibility for their own cybersecurity. Furthermore, they understand and seek to use tools that allow for secure browsing on the Internet.

4.3 SunOnline is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the User or the Advertiser, such as falling victim to phishing, social engineering, malware, trojans, backdoors, spyware, adware, ransomware, or other malicious applications that affect the device’s operation or illegally intercept, monitor, copy, and access the Advertiser’s software or hardware.

4.4 The User and the Advertiser expressly understand and agree that, in the case of transactions made through non-traditional mechanisms, there are risks of fraud, identity theft, massive illegal attacks on devices and servers, among other situations beyond SunOnline’s control. Therefore, the User and the Advertiser must always remain vigilant and ensure they are on the correct URL associated with the Website, and not disclose personal information to unauthorized persons by SunOnline.

4.6 Regarding security and personal data management, the User and the Advertiser of the Nathy Realty platform commit to:

Use the Nathy Realty platform only for lawful purposes.

In the case of Advertisers, change the access password to the Nathy Realty platform at least every six months and comply with the requirements indicated by the platform for creating a secure password.

Use secure devices to access the Nathy Realty platform, with licensed software, antivirus, and security tools to prevent malware attacks, viruses, trojans, keyloggers, botnets, spyware, adware, ransomware, and other malicious programs.


5.1 All contents of the platform, such as trademarks, texts, videos, photographs, images, software, source code, web page design, graphics, colors, and interfaces, are the exclusive intellectual property of SunOnline or have the necessary third-party authorizations for their use. These contents may not be reproduced, copied, pasted, linked, transmitted, distributed, or manipulated in any way without the prior written authorization of SunOnline. It is strictly forbidden to use web scraping techniques to capture, collect, extract, or mine data and information published on the Nathy Realty Website.

5.2 The Advertiser and the User understand and agree that using the Nathy Realty platform, or visiting or browsing the Website, does not imply any license, assignment of rights, patent transfer, or authorization for the exploitation or disposition of any form of intellectual property of SunOnline or third parties. Non-compliance with this clause will allow SunOnline to immediately disable access to the Nathy Realty platform and the Website and to take any legal action it deems appropriate.

5.3 The Advertiser and the User are authorized to fully or partially reproduce and share by any electronic or physical means information related to the Nathy Realty platform services to publicize its qualities and benefits. They must include a hyperlink to the Website or Nathy Realty’s social media. No person other than SunOnline representatives is authorized to market the Nathy Realty platform or its associated services. Any use or modification of the material or content for purposes other than those authorized will be considered a violation of the laws of the Republic of Panama and international laws that protect copyrights and intellectual property.

5.4 Non-compliance with the provisions of this section will allow SunOnline to claim damages from the Advertiser and the User, as well as to claim any criminal, commercial, civil, or administrative liability following the legislation of the Republic of Panama.


The parties agree to resolve disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions of Use and Contract through Panamanian courts and/or competent consumer protection authorities when applicable. They may also resort to conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and other conflict resolution centers available in the country if they agree.


7.1 The Advertiser and the User understand and agree that these Terms and Conditions of Use and Contract may be revised and modified by SunOnline at any time by publishing a new version on the Website. SunOnline is not obliged to individually notify the Advertiser and the User of the changes made.

7.2 The Advertiser and the User agree that they have read and understood these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Nathy Realty platform. By clicking the “Accept” box and using the Nathy Realty platform, they expressly confirm that they accept them freely and consciously, having reviewed the information satisfactorily and finding it adequate and sufficient.

Any comments, questions, or observations regarding these Terms and Conditions can be addressed by email to contact@nathyrealty.com.

Last updated: July 2024