1. General Conditions

1.1. Nathy Realty allows ADVERTISERS to post commercial ads on its platform to facilitate the sale of real estate properties in Panama. Consequently, the ADVERTISER understands that they must read and be aware of all information associated with this service described in these advertisement purchase conditions before proceeding with the purchase of ads.

1.2. Advertisement prices are expressed in dollars, and the amount will be available at the time of the ad purchase. Prices already include taxes and are final.

1.3. To publish an advertisement, Advertisers must register on Nathy Realty.

1.4. Advertisers can be individuals or legal entities such as real estate agencies, builders, or property management agencies, among others.

2. Advertising Policy

2.1. Advertisers may subscribe to the ads offered on this platform under the following conditions:

Ads can relate to properties located in Panama that are offered for sale.

Professionals can buy and publish ads for their professional services.

Ads may contain:

The description of the real estate offered by the professional.

A maximum of 15 photographs or videos.

The property’s or service’s location on Google Maps.

If the ad pertains to a property, the property plan can be included.

The ad will be published until the final sale of the real estate.

2.2. Ads are subject to the following content restrictions and prohibitions:

The images, videos, and texts of the ad must be original and the exclusive property of the Advertiser. The Advertiser is strictly prohibited from publishing content for which they do not have intellectual property rights or are not authorized by the owner.

Content related to minors, i.e., those requested in favor of adults and/or employment.

Content with explicit or implicit messages of a sexual nature or related to sexual services.

Selling messages of firearms or any other accessory considered a weapon under Panamanian law.

Selling gunpowder or any other product requiring special authorization from Panamanian authorities.

Selling works of art of patrimonial interest or whose commercialization is prohibited.

Selling or marketing body organs.

Content related to medications or treatments for HIV, sexual impotence, virility, or any other medication requiring authorization from health authorities.

Content that may be offensive to a specific ethnic group or ads containing messages aimed at harming the reputation of a person, entity, or group, or that are discriminatory or racist.

Content related to the commercialization of copyrights and similar items, such as recordings, TV and radio programs, books, magazines, etc.

Selling or marketing animals.

The same property cannot be posted more than once at the same time.

It is not allowed to post ads attempting to sell or market mines, land in archaeological areas, or any land belonging to the State or under a prohibition regime.

The sale of cemetery lots is not allowed.

Posting auctions is not allowed.

Ads with photos of minors are not allowed.

Ads with images of explicit nudity or erotic content are not allowed.

3. Reservation of Rights

Nathy Realty reserves the right to refuse the publication of any ad if it deems, at its sole discretion, that the ad contains content that may infringe on the rights of third parties or does not comply with the Advertisement Purchase Conditions.

4. Payment Method and Purchase Process

To purchase and buy commercial ads on Nathy Realty, the Advertiser must have a valid and current payment method, such as a debit or credit card from international operators VISA and MASTERCARD, and must also have a stable internet connection to complete the transaction without any interruption.

4.1. Purchase Process

Once the Advertiser has read, verified, and accepted the ad information as well as the cost to be paid, they can proceed to purchase the ad through the link that will be sent to their email.

4.2. Payment Gateway

Nathy Realty uses Stripe.com as its payment processing platform or payment method.

Upon receiving the Stripe.com payment link via email, the Advertiser must enter the necessary financial information to process and authorize the payment in favor of Nathy Realty.

Nathy Realty does not in any way receive or process the Advertiser’s financial data; this information is collected and managed by Stripe.com on their servers and their affiliated processors, VISA and Mastercard. Stripe.com may accept or reject the transaction according to their own payment processing policies; if the purchase is approved, it will then be recorded in our system.

The Advertiser will receive an email with the confirmation receipt that the transaction was successful.

In the event of fraud attempts detected by an Advertiser, Nathy Realty and Stripe.com will be authorized not only to block this Advertiser’s access but also to report it to the competent authorities for the corresponding investigation.

4.3. Withdrawal and Warranty

The Advertiser may exercise their right to withdraw and request a refund within 8 calendar days after paying for the ad by writing to the email address contact@nathyrealty.com.

5. Truthfulness of Information

All information provided by the Advertiser to Nathy Realty is presumed truthful and will be considered a sworn statement, with knowledge of the penalties provided by law, and reiterates that the declared data is legitimate. If Nathy Realty determines that the Advertiser has provided false, fraudulent, or inaccurate information or omitted necessary information to complete the financial transaction, it will be entitled to refuse the sale of the Ad, immediately disable access to the platform, and claim damages caused.

6. Identity Verification

If Nathy Realty deems it necessary, it may request any additional documentation and information from the Advertiser, which will be required by email or phone. If the Advertiser does not present the required documentation and/or information within seventy-two hours of sending the request, access to the platform may be suspended by Nathy Realty.

7. Liability

Nathy Realty will not be responsible for the availability or any failures that may occur on the server or in the operation of the Website that prevent the Advertiser’s transactions. It is expressly stated that Nathy Realty, depending on third parties to provide its services on the Internet, neither guarantees nor is responsible for system issues or limitations affecting the use of the platform, nor will it be responsible for transactions and/or services that cannot be completed or provided due to problems and/or interruptions of the platform independent of Nathy Realty.